Since the advent of the digital age, beauty standards have undergone a significant transformation. A study even showed that beauty criteria on Facebook and Instagram strongly contribute to popularizing cosmetic surgery. And according to this study, the more time we spend on these networks, the more our desire to resort to cosmetic surgery increases.

In a recent interview with Frédéric Labelle, contributor on Paul Arcand‘s morning show, Dr. Mario F Bernier shares his perspective on this phenomenon and highlights how our perception of beauty is influenced by content consumed online.

Listen to the interview “Un lien entre les réseaux sociaux et la chirurgie esthétique” broadcast on March 14, 2024 on 98.5 (available in French only)

Cosmetic surgery and Instagram: the pressure of social networks

With the rise of social media, many people feel increasing pressure to undergo cosmetic surgeries. The beauty criteria conveyed on Facebook and Instagram create dissatisfaction with their own image.

Bombarded with perfect, edited images, many aspire to a level of perfection that is difficult to achieve. Not to mention that influencers and celebrities on networks often share their experiences related to cosmetic surgery, further contributing to popularizing it.

Requirements that are sometimes difficult to meet

Dr Mario F. Bernier emphasizes that this pressure has considerably transformed his practice of aesthetic surgery. Whereas previously, patients consulted surgeons for expert advice, today they present with often unrealistic expectations. Dr. Bernier believes that this incessant quest for the perfect body is creating increasing anxiety, especially among today’s generation.

As a surgeon, he recognizes that cosmetic surgery has the power to restore confidence in some individuals. However, he specifies that it does not constitute a universal solution, and even less a cure for depression.

Beauty queen on Instagram or Facebook? The reality behind the filters

Used profusely, beauty filters on Instagram and Facebook create an altered image of a person’s true appearance. These filters smooth the skin, reduce wrinkles, and can even enlarge the eyes and change the shape of the nose and lips.

This distortion of reality can create unrealistic expectations. As a professional, Dr. Bernier is faced with the delicate task of dissuading certain patients from carrying out inappropriate interventions in their case.

The ethical duty of the surgeon

In a context where the influence of Facebook and Instagram on requests for cosmetic surgery is blatant, Dr. Bernier underlines the importance of medical responsibility. The latter sometimes refuses to operate on patients who are not good candidates: “It often happens that I refuse to operate […]. We explain to the patient that she is not a good candidate,” says Dr. Bernier. He adds that some people do not respect the expertise of the plastic surgeon, although it is essential.

Instagram and cosmetic surgery: when excess knows no limits

Despite the beauty criteria that circulate on Instagram and Facebook, it must be recognized that not all requests for cosmetic surgery are justified. Above all, excessive interventions can lead to artificial and unnatural results. Surgeons must remain cautious to protect the health of patients.

Entrust your beauty to expert hands

Are you looking for personalized beauty treatments? Rely on the recognized expertise of Dr. Mario F. Bernier and his dedicated team. His professional rigor will guarantee you natural and safe results.

Make an appointment now at the Dr. Mario F. Bernier Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine Clinic and let them guide you towards the best version of yourself!

Sources :
Interview on Paul Arcand’s radio show :
Influence of social networks on cosmetic surgery :