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Cellulite treatment

What is

Nearly 90% of women over 30 years old have cellulite, and the fact is that cellulite is not only when you are suffering of obesity, because it affects even the thinner women. Cellulite is most commonly found on our buttocks, thighs, and abdomen, but it could be located also on the back, upper arms and calves.

skin without or with cellulite
Beneath the skin are bands of fibrous tissue that surround the fat cells. When these columns, known as septa, become imbalanced and the fat cells begin to bulge through the columns (the columns don’t stretch to accommodate the expanding fat cells), cellulite arises. Because of its nature, it allows small pockets of fat to push up on the tissue, which is what gives the skin a dimpled look and cellulite is the result.

Cellulite comes in different grades

Grade 0
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
There is no visible cellulite
If the skin is pinched, the cellulite becomes noticeable.
When standing, there appears to be cellulite, but when you lay down it disappears.
The skin looks dimpled regardless if you are standing or sitting.

«Orange peel-skin»
a women concern?

Beneath the skin are columns of fibrous band (septa/septi) that are surrounded by adipose cells. Physiological structure of septa are different if we compare it between men and women.
cellulite - men vs women

Can we get rid of cellulite?

A healthy diet plays an important role in keeping the signs of cellulite away; physical exercise several times a week is a must too and be a smoker-free can help also.

Super anti-cellulite foods

Water: A minimum of 8 glasses a day can help by replenish the skin and give it a firmer and supple aspect. That helps to camouflage cellulite!

Green Tea: Contains catechins (a strong antioxydant), which helps to prevent collagen breakdown.

Pineapple: To increase blood circulation the Vitamin C, Potassium and Bromelain present in pineapple will helps to do this.

Banana: Rich in Potassium, Vitamin B6 and Magnesium, bananas will help in a healthy blood circulation.

Brocoli: Contains alpha lipoic acids which have been shown to help prevent hardening of collagen.

Asparagus: Great element to normalized blood capillaries and veins circulation. Known also for its diuretic purpose, it helps to evacuate toxins.

Chili Peppers: Introducing spicy food to your alimentation can help metabolism fat faster.

Sunflower seeds: Rich in antioxidants, sunflower seeds will help strengthen damaged tissue.

Anti-cellulite treatments

Although there’s no perfect solution to eliminate cellulite forever, there are treatment options available to improve the skin aspect and reduce cellulite up to 1 grade, like VENUS LEGACY radiofrequency treatment.

Before and after photos of a cellulite treatment at our clinic

Patient who received 10 Venus Legacy treatments for the posterior buttocks and thighs

traitement anti-cellulite Venus Legacy - Avant traitement anti-cellulite Venus Legacy - Après
Warning: These photos are published for information only in order to provide information on the nature of the intervention. They do not constitute a guarantee of results. Photo credit: Dr. Mario F. Bernier

Cellulite treatment prices

Radiofrequency Venus LEGACY treatment

Starting at $275

Consultation request

A consultation with the doctor is essential to determine if the anti-cellulite treatments offered at our clinic are suitable for your needs.