In recent decades, dermal filling techniques have gotten better and better and have become increasingly popular. Quick and painless, they offer undeniable benefits.
If you’re thinking about getting hyaluronic acid injections, take the time to learn more. The more you know, the more peace of mind you’ll enjoy.
Hyaluronic acid: your solution for beautiful lips
Whether to counteract the signs of aging or to harmoniously enhance your lips, hyaluronic acid is the filling agent par excellence. A sugar that’s naturally present in the body, it combines with the water found in the layers of the skin to stimulate the production of collagen, thus replumping and recontouring the areas of the face that need it.
Several different products contain hyaluronic acid. Among the most widely used on the market, you’ll find Restylane and Juvéderm. They come in the form of a gel, which, once injected under the skin, can enhance the jawline, smooth wrinkles, improve skin tone and provide support for the tissues of the lips.
If you’re wondering about the price of this type of procedure, you’ll be happy to know that the affordability of products like Restylane is no myth: you can anticipate spending between $600 and $650 per 1 ml syringe. The number of syringes needed will vary from one patient to another and according to the type of correction being made.
On top of that, when you consider the immediate effects, the natural-looking results that last anywhere from 6 to 24 months and the quick sessions of approximately 30 minutes in length, you’ll understand the incredible popularity of hyaluronic acid injections.
Of course, the success of the procedure relies heavily on the trustworthiness, dedication and follow-up of the practitioner who performs it. Take the time to ask the opinions of those around you, research the experience and training of the person who will do the injections and inform yourself regarding what you can expect before and after the treatment. This is the only way you’ll feel completely confident about it.
Guidelines to ensure that your lip augmentation goes smoothly
While the quality of the practitioner is essential, there are also certain precautions you must take and guidelines you must follow. The payoff? A cosmetic success all across the board!
- First of all, provide as many details as you can regarding your medical history, especially anything that has to do with aesthetic medicine treatments, including the areas treated, the products used and any unpleasant side-effects you may have experienced.
- To prevent the occurrence of hematomas, you must avoid taking any type of anticoagulants when receiving this type of procedure. Along these same lines, the risks of bleeding will be reduced if you avoid taking any anti-inflammatory medications for 24 hours before the treatment and 4 hours afterwards.
- It’s also preferable to avoid alcoholic beverages and exposure to strong sunlight the day before and the day of the session.
- When you come for the injections, come without makeup or else remove it right before the session begins. The good news is that you don’t have to fast beforehand.
- You should rest for 24 hours following the treatment. After this brief hiatus, during which you’ll be able to admire all of the little corrections that add up to a big difference, you’ll be able to resume all of your usual sports and leisure activities.
The specialists at Dr. Bernier’s clinic work first and foremost for their patients. They understand that any cosmetic procedure is a big deal. That’s why they always make sure to offer you a warm, comforting welcome. And thanks to their incomparable mastery of their craft, they can absolutely guarantee you a good experience and peace of mind.